Eliana H. Mihara Varella, Patrícia F. Miamoto, Fabíola V. Adde,
Cleyde M.A. Nakaie, Joaquim C. Rodrigues
J Bras Pneumol.2002;28(2):103-106
Objective: To point out to tracheobronchomegaly as a differential diagnosis in children with chronic respiratory disorders. Methods: The patient's data were obtained from his chart review and bibliographical data were obtained from the Medline System. Results: This is a case report on a 15-year-old, white, male patient who had been followed up in the Pulmonology Unit of the Children's Institute since he was 10 years old. His history included wheezing episodes and recurrent respiratory tract infections since he was 5 months old. The initial diagnosis was asthma, but, since the patient responded only partially to treatment, a chest computerized tomography was performed. It revealed an enlargement of the tracheal and right bronchial dimensions, confirming the diagnosis of tracheobronchomegaly. Conclusions: Tracheobronchomegaly is a rare disease in children. This entity should be thought in children with chronic respiratory diseases of unidentified etiology. To date, no definitive treatment is available.
Keywords: Tracheobronchomegaly. Obstructive lung diseases.