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Due to a technical error during the editing process, the entire bibliography accompanying the article Ferreira MA, Barreto SS, Knorst MM, da Silva MR, Pinotti AF. Semiquantitative echocardiographic evaluation of intrapulmonary vascular dilatations: correlation with evaluation of shunt levels and pulmonary function parameters, published in J Bras Pneumol. 2009;35(2):106-13, was that belonging to another, unrelated article.

The appropriate bibliography appears below:

1. Hervé P, Lebrec D, Brenot F, Simonneau G, Humbert M, Sitbon O, et al. Pulmonary vascular disorders in portal hypertension. Eur Respir J. 1998;11(5):1153-66.

2. Hervé P, Le Pavec J, Sztrymf B, Decante B, Savale L, Sitbon O. Pulmonary vascular abnormalities in cirrhosis. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2007;21(1):141-59.

3. Abrams GA, Jaffe CC, Hoffer PB, Binder HJ, Fallon MB. Diagnostic utility of contrast echocardiography and lung perfusion scan in patients with hepatopulmonary syndrome. Gastroenterology. 1995;109(4):1283-8.

4. Agusti AG, Roca J, Rodriguez-Roisin R. Mechanisms of gas exchange impairment in patients with liver cirrhosis. Clin Chest Med. 1996;17(1):49-66.

5. Rodríguez-Roisin R, Agustí AG, Roca J. The hepatopulmonary syndrome: new name, old complexities. Thorax. 1992;47(11):897-902.

6. Lima B, Martinelli A, França AV. Síndrome hepatopulmonar: patogenia, diagnóstico e tratamento. Arq Gastreonterol. 2004;41(4):250-8.

7. Rodríguez-Roisin R, Krowka MJ, Hervé P, Fallon MB; ERS Task Force Pulmonary-Hepatic Vascular Disorders (PHD) Scientific Committee. Pulmonary-Hepatic vascular Disorders (PHD). Eur Respir J. 2004;24(5):861-80.

8. Abrams GA, Fallon MB. The hepatopulmonary syndrome. Clin Liver Dis. 1997;1(1):185-200, xiii.

9. Mimidis KP, Vassilakos PI, Mastorakou AN, Spiropoulos KV, Lambropoulou-Karatza CA, Thomopoulos KC, et al. Evaluation of contrast echocardiography and lung perfusion scan in detecting intrapulmonary vascular dilatation in normoxemic patients with early liver cirrhosis. Hepatogastroenterology. 1998;45(24):2303-7.

10. Palma DT, Fallon MB. The hepatopulmonary syndrome. J Hepatol. 2006;45(4):617-25.

11. Aller R, Moya JL, Moreira V, Boixeda D, Cano A, Picher J, et al. Diagnosis of hepatopulmonary syndrome with contrast transesophageal echocardiography: advantages over contrast transthoracic echocardiography. Dig Dis Sci. 1999;44(6):1243-8.

12. Hopkins WE, Waggoner AD, Barzilai B. Frequency and significance of intrapulmonary right-to-left shunting in end-stage hepatic disease. Am J Cardiol. 1992;70(4):516-9.

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14. Lima BL, França AV, Pazin-Filho A, Araújo WM, Martinez JA, Maciel BC, et al. Frequency, clinical characteristics, and respiratory parameters of hepatopulmonary syndrome. Mayo Clin Proc. 2004;79(1):42-8.

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16. Garcia E, Silvério AO, Brandão AB, Moreira JS. Função pulmonar na cirrose hepática. J Pneumol. 1997;23(5):225-30.

17. Castro M, Krowka MJ. Hepatopulmonary syndrome. A pulmonary vascular complication of liver disease. Clin Chest Med. 1996;17(1):35-48.

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19. Krowka MJ, Cortese DA. Severe hypoxemia associated with liver disease: Mayo Clinic experience and the experimental use of almitrine bismesylate. Mayo Clin Proc. 1987;62(3):164-73.

20. Krowka MJ. Hepatopulmonary syndrome versus portopulmonary hypertension: distinctions and dilemmas. Hepatology. 1997;25(5):1282-4.

21. Hasegawa T, Kamiyama M, Azuma T, Sasaki T, Okada A, Miwatani T, et al. Reversal of intrapulmonary arteriovenous shunting detected by two-dimensional contrast-enhanced echocardiography after liver transplantation. Transplantation. 2000;69(4):672-5.

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23. Whyte MK, Hughes JM, Peters AM, Ussov W, Patel S, Burroughs AK. Analysis of intrapulmonary right to left shunt in the hepatopulmonary syndrome. J Hepatol. 1998;29(1):85-93.


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