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Influence of lean body mass on cardiopulmonary repercussions during the six-minute walk test in patients with COPD

Influência da massa magra corporal nas repercussões cardiopulmonares durante o teste de caminhada de seis minutos em pacientes com DPOC

Nilva Regina Gelamo Pelegrino, Paulo Adolfo Lucheta, Fernanda Figueirôa Sanchez, Márcia Maria Faganello, Renata Ferrari, Irma de Godoy

How to cite this article

Pelegrino NRG, Lucheta PA, Sanchez FF, Faganello M, Ferrari R, Godoy I. Influence of lean body mass on cardiopulmonary repercussions during the six-minute walk test in patients with COPD. J Bras Pneumol. 2009;35(1):20-26

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