Paulo de Tarso Roth Dalcin, Denis Maltz Grutcki, Paola Paganella Laporte, Paula Borges de Lima, Vinícius Pellegrini Viana, Glauco Luís Konzen, Samuel Millán Menegotto, Mariana Alves Fonseca, Rosemary Petrik Pereira
Dalcin PTR, Grutcki DM, Laporte PP, Lima B, Viana VP, Konzen GL, et al. Impact of a short-term educational intervention on adherence to asthma treatment and on asthma control. J Bras Pneumol. 2011;37(1):19-27
Síndrome de Jó ou hiperimunoglobulinemia E
Síndrome de hiperimunoglobulina E (síndrome de Jó): achados da TC de tórax
"Pneumocystis carinii" pneumonia in patients with and without AIDS: a reappraisal