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ISSN (on-line): 1806-3756

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Open Access Peer-Reviewed
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Characterization of the severity of dyspnea in patients with bronchiectasis: correlation with clinical, functional, and tomographic aspects

Caracterização da gravidade de dispneia em pacientes com bronquiectasias: correlação com aspectos clínicos, funcionais e tomográficos

Maria Cecília Nieves Maiorano de Nucci1, Frederico Leon Arrabal Fernandes1, João Marcos Salge1, Rafael Stelmach1, Alberto Cukier1, Rodrigo Athanazio1

How to cite this article

Nucci1 MCNM, Fernandes1 FLA, Salge1 JM, Stelmach1 R, Cukier1 A, Athanazio1 R. Characterization of the severity of dyspnea in patients with bronchiectasis: correlation with clinical, functional, and tomographic aspects. J Bras Pneumol. 2020;46(5):e20190162

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