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ISSN (on-line): 1806-3756

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Open Access Peer-Reviewed
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Influence of cigarette smoking on body weight, food and water consumption, and growth of rats

Influência do tabagismo no ganho ponderal, crescimento corporal, consumo alimentar e hídrico de ratos

Regina Maria Veras Gonçalves-Silva, Márcia Gonçalves Lemos-Santos, Clóvis Botelho


The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of cigarette smoking and its cessation on body weight, foot and water consumption, and growth of rats. Thirty-nine male were used; 18 were adults (3 months old) and 21 were young (1.5 months old). In the first phase, the animals were exposed to cigarette smoke for 30 days (smokers) and compared to controls, exposed to clean air. In the second phase, both former smokers and controls were observed for 30 additional days. During both phases, the animals were monitored as to body weight, length, food intake and water consumption. Length was measured only for the young rats. Exposure to smoke significantly suppressed body weight gain (p < 0.05) when compared to controls, either for adult or for young. The smokers' food consumption was significantly reduced when compared to controls. Adult rats showed no difference in water consumption. However, for the young group the difference was significant, lower for smoker (p < 0.05) than controls. The velocity of growth in young smokers was slower than non-smokers. After finishing the exposure to cigarette smoke, body weight and foot consumption increased in smoker rats, reaching the control group. These results suggest that exposure to cigarette smoke affects body weight and food consumption in adult and young rats, in addition to inhibiting growth in length of young rats.

Keywords: Cigarette smoking. Nutrition. Body growth


O presente estudo examinou o efeito do tabagismo e de sua supressão no peso corporal, consumo alimentar e hídrico e crescimento corporal em ratos. Foram estudados 39 ratos machos, 18 adultos e 21 jovens, com idade de 3 meses e 1,5 mês, respectivamente. Na 1ª fase da pesquisa os animais foram expostos à fumaça do cigarro por 30 dias (fumantes) e comparados aos controles, expostos ao ar comprimido. Na 2ª fase, como ex-fumantes e controles os ratos foram observados por mais 30 dias. Durante as duas fases todos os animais foram monitorados quanto ao peso, consumo alimentar e consumo hídrico. Para os animais jovens foi acompanhado o crescimento corporal. Ao final da primeira fase, o peso final e o consumo alimentar dos ratos machos fumantes foram inferiores aos dos não fumantes (p < 0,05), tanto para os adultos, quanto para os jovens. Os fumantes jovens apresentaram crescimento inferior ao dos controles, com maior ingestão hídrica. Na segunda fase do estudo, os ratos ex-fumantes atingiram valores de peso corporal e consumo alimentar semelhantes ao grupo-controle. Conclui-se que o tabagismo interferiu significantemente no peso corporal e consumo alimentar dos animais adultos e jovens, além de diminuir o crescimento corporal dos jovens.

Palavras-chave: Tabagismo. Nutrição. Crescimento corporal.



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